GICS are proud to support initiatives that safeguard our Wildlife heritage, in particular our Rhino population.
As most people are aware, our national wildlife is under the very real threat of extinction by way of unscrupulous local and foreign syndicates who slaughter endangered species and sell their body parts off to foreign lands for ornament knife handles and muti.
We stand behind the brave men and women, volunteers and otherwise who put themselves in harms way all hours of the day and night to stand guard over our treasured living heritage.

To this end, GI Combat Supplies provides much needed tactical equipment and supplies to selected Anti-Poaching units and initiatives around the country.
In a local climate that is notoriously tough on both man and his gear, we are proud to equip these men with products that are battle tested by the US Military and private contractors in the sands of Iraq and the Hills of Afghanistan.
We are committed to assist in this cause and call on all South Africans to stand as one against this brazen greed and piracy.
One such worthy cause is the Saving Private Rhino Initiative.

The ‘Saving Private Rhino’ initiative has been established to ensure the future conservation of Africa’s rhino and wildlife heritage by providing the most comprehensive integrated anti-poaching solution available to every private game reserve in Africa that needs assistance defending its wildlife.

In August 2011 the Aquila Private Game Reserve was hit by a horrific poaching incident that saw three rhinos attacked. It is believed that Aquila’s anti-poaching teams interrupted the poachers, as of the three rhino darted one was left unharmed and after rapid response from lodge staff, an antidote to tranqualisers was administered and she has recovered fully. Another rhino was found literally butchered and left to bleed to death in the veld while the third Rhino, named Absa, was left fighting for his life after having his main horn cut off and an attempt to remove the second horn. Absa was given the best treatment available but after a 6 day ordeal he sadly succumbed to his gruesome injuries.
This shocking tragedy has led to the establishment of the Saving Private Rhino Initiative.

Click here for more info on the Saving Private Rhino Initiative. (
GICS is selling Saving Private Rhino T-Shirts @ R100.00 each to help raise funds for the initiative. All proceeds go directly to the Saving Private Rhino Initiative.
The project needs all the help it can get and donations can be made into the following bank account:
Account Holder Name: Aquila Animal Rescue and Conservation Centre
Bank: ABSA
Account #: 9222048554
Branch code: 632-005
Swift code: ABSA ZA JJ
At your service,
The GICS Team